Pre-college/high school
Because the demand for research experience for current UMD students remains unmet, we do not take on high school researchers. That said, we are happy to discuss our work, and suggest other local opportunities in biology research (there are many).
Current undergraduates
We always have a group of UMD undergraduates in the lab, working with both nematode and killifish projects. Ideal candidates have completed most or all of their first year and have a sincere interest in a career that involves research. Pre-professional students are also encourage to apply, however, and we have had many over the years. The basic expectation for the fall and spring semesters is 8-10 hours per week, and we encourage formal registration in BSCI399. There is some potential for paid work over the summer, depending on funding availability. To apply, please send the following to Dr. Haag:
- your unofficial transcript from Testudo
- any resume you may have (not essential, but useful)
- a short statement (i.e. a page or less) about why you are interested in research, how it fits into your most likely career path, and what aspect of the Haag Lab's research has attracted your attention.
Prospective graduate students
Doctoral students enter the Haag Lab through UMD's Biological Sciences Graduate Program, with past students admitted to the BEES, CBBG, and MOCB concentration areas. Ideal applicants have some research experience and a strong interest in some combination of evolutionary biology, development, genetics, and/or comparative genomics. Prospective students are encouraged to discuss their interests and goals with Dr. Haag in advance of, or in parallel with, the application process. The annual deadline for applications is December 1, for enrollment in the following August.
Prospective postdoctoral scholars
Email queries are always welcome. Inclusion of the following information is especially helpful:
- your CV
- one or more representative publications
- a short statement about what aspect of the Haag Lab's research has attracted your attention
- ideas you may have for developing a distinctive research program
International visiting scholars
The lab occasionally hosts visiting international scientists at the post-baccalaureate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels for brief stays. These are generally supported by programs in the researcher's home country. If you are participating in such a program and are looking for a sponsor, feel free to email Dr. Haag. Priority will be given to those with a clear intellectual connection to the lab's research.

We are located in the center of the University of Maryland's College Park campus:
Department of Biology, Bioscience Research Building, 4066 Campus Drive, College Park MD 20742
Dr. Haag's office: Room 2116 T: +1 (301) 405-8534
Main Lab: Rooms 2117-2119 T: +1 (301) 405-8625
We are located in the center of the University of Maryland's College Park campus:
Department of Biology, Bioscience Research Building, 4066 Campus Drive, College Park MD 20742
Dr. Haag's office: Room 2116 T: +1 (301) 405-8534
Main Lab: Rooms 2117-2119 T: +1 (301) 405-8625